

Richborough marks the spot where the Romans first came ashore for their successful AD 43 invasion of Britain. Richborough grew into a busy town and one of the primary supply bases for the Roman army.
The town boasted a large triumphal arch at its centre, marking the successful invasion,  and an Amphitheatre on the edge of town.

Two hundred years following the invasion and the Roman army had begun a slow retreat back toward Richborough. At the centre of town they removed buildings adjacent to the monumental arch and built a small defensive fort around it. The arch is thought to have been utilised as a signal station at this time. 

Fifty years later, by the end of the 3rd Century, these fort walls were removed and extended out to larger stone ones, built by using material from the newly demolished arch.

The images below illustrate

  • Richborough Amphitheatre, in use between the 1st & 4th Centuries
  • The small ‘Fortlet’ built around the triumphal arch: 250AD
  • A view along Watling Street looking toward the new larger stone fort, approaching the end of the 3rd Century.
  • A small bathhouse built within the stone fort.

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Richborough marks the spot where the Romans first came ashore for their successful AD 43 invasion of Britain. Richborough grew into a busy town and one of the primary supply bases for the Roman army.
The town boasted a large triumphal arch at its centre, marking the successful invasion,  and an Amphitheatre on the edge of town.

Two hundred years following the invasion and the Roman army had begun a slow retreat back toward Richborough. At the centre of town they removed buildings adjacent to the monumental arch and built a small defensive fort around it. The arch is thought to have been utilised as a signal station at this time. 

Fifty years later, by the end of the 3rd Century, these fort walls were removed and extended out to larger stone ones, built by using material from the newly demolished arch.

The images illustrate

  • Richborough Amphitheatre, in use between the 1st & 4th Centuries.
  • The small ‘Fortlet’ built around the triumphal arch: 250AD
  • A view along Watling Street looking toward the new larger stone fort, approaching the end of the 3rd Century.
  • A small bathhouse built within the stone fort.